• Caught in the middle: how Britain prepared itself in the Cold War. Image: natatravel / Shutterstock.

    Caught in the middle

    Cold War: How Britain’s civil defence prepared It’s the stuff of nightmares. Tsar Bomba is the largest man-made explosion to date. It was tested at...6 min

  • A haunted forest? Can photographs really capture the spirits of the deceased? Image: Shutterstock.

    Ghost in the machine?

    Photography expert explains ‘paranormal’ phenomena captured on camera You could be forgiven for thinking that these days, it’s relatively easy to take a photo of...9 min

  • Opening the gate to a greener future: community gardens allow you to get close to nature and do a bit of physical exercise.

    Opening the gate to a greener future

    Community gardens: planting seeds of understanding between generations Gardening is good for you – and gardening in a group is even better, writes Philippa Davies....4 min

  • Specialist contractors removing invasive Hottentot Fig near Lizard Point, Cornwall. Image credit: Seth Jackson (provided by NT).

    Conserving Cornwall’s coastal micro habitats

    Natural England funding to help save rare lichens, wildflowers and invertebrates Down on the Lizard, in deepest Cornwall, a landscape-scale coastal project to recover rare...7 min

  • An aerial view of the Motherland statue in Kyiv, Ukraine (July, 2021). Credit: Pandora Pictures / Shutterstock.

    Ukraine: Into the Theatre of War

    Humanitarian Aid Workers talk exclusively with BTN At the start of the Ukrainian war, a small team of people came together to form Actions Beyond...16 min

  • ‘Too many credible people have seen strange things.’ Image: Breaktime News artist impression.

    UFO: Fresh findings for ‘UK’s Roswell’

    The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incidents Startling revelations have erupted following a forensic examination of one of the UK’s most famous UFO sightings, writes Duncan Little....8 min

  • Featured image: Breaktime News artist's impression.

    Paranormal: A terrifying true ghost story

    West Country cottage houses a dark secret. A few months ago, Breaktime News came across the startling true story of paranormal activity in a Cornish...8 min

  • Argyle Community Trust’s Justin Jewell and Becky Lacey Sawyer with Ferndale Community Radio’s Steve Medlin.

    Plymouth charity appeal for support

    Charity seeks funds to continue work with youngsters A Plymouth charity is looking for financial backers so it can continue to help young people develop...5 min

  • National Trust hand sowing seed to create species rich grassland near Woolacombe in North Devon. Courtesy credit: National Trust Images, John Miller.

    Conservation: NT’s large scale grassland project

    Environmental programme in North Devon An environmental programme designed to help save threatened habitats is being undertaken by The National Trust. The charity says the...5 min

  • Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Image: Richie Chan / Shutterstock.

    Africa Fashion at London’s V&A

    Landmark exhibition highlights creativity Africa Fashion is a landmark exhibition celebrating the irresistible creativity, ingenuity and unstoppable global impact of contemporary African fashions.  The exhibition...14 min

  • A re-enactment of the Battle of Culloden. Image: NTS Media Pics.

    Remembering Culloden

    Site of remembrance It was the last battle fought on mainland British soil and this Easter weekend saw commemorations take place for the men who...4 min

  • Lionel Wadley was one of hundreds of Allied men who were sent to E715 Auschwitz. His recollections are included in the book, Dad's Forgotten War.

    Dad’s Forgotten War

    British POWs witnesses to The Holocaust More than 75 years after the liberation of Auschwitz and a book has just been published which tells the...5 min