The Living Climate: Computer Modelling or Planetary Harmonics? Book cover illustration provided by Clairview Books.
The Living Climate: Computer Modelling or Planetary Harmonics? Book cover illustration provided by Clairview Books.

The Living Climate: Computer Modelling or Planetary Harmonics?

1 min

Luigi Morelli explores ‘Challenging Prevailing Climate Change Narratives’

What are the causes of our current environmental and ecological crises? Is the enforcement of international ‘net zero’ carbon strategy the best solution to the problems we face, or are there deeper issues that need to be addressed? 

Author Luigi Morelli argues that our planet is an ‘open’ system – a living entity that maintains a dynamic equilibrium within its own kingdoms and the wider solar system. Humans, however, still have a pivotal role to play.

Building on the pioneering work of Goethe, Rudolf Steiner, Viktor Schauberger, Morelli expands our view of the climate: from the oceans and the atmosphere to the sun.

He explores the last 150 years through to the history of our climate over millennia. In doing so, he examines narratives around our changing environment.

In a thoroughly researched and accessible study, The Living Climate explores the intricacy and wisdom of an untold variety of cycles in nature and the critical and the role of water within the ‘greenhouse gas’ model.

Author Luigi Morelli graduated with a Masters in Environmental Sciences in 1981. He has a passion for social and cultural change, which led him to live and work in intentional communities serving people with special needs. His most recent publication is Searching for the Spirit of the West (Clairview, 2023).

The Living Climate (Luigi Morelli)

Computer Modelling or Planetary Harmonics?

Challenging Prevailing Climate Change Narratives

Book cover illustration provided by Clairview Books.

Released: 28 October 2024. 266 pages (paperback). Price: £20.00

Publisher: Clairview Books.

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