A book to hearten the soul

3 min

BTN takes a look at Louisa Crisp’s latest work – with its focus on enlightenment

How can we live in alignment with the true Source of our being, finding joy in everyday life?

Drawing on scores of deep memories from her many clients, Louisa Crisp sets out to shows how we can be free and enlightened in her latest book, The Alpha and the Omega: How the balance on earth was lost and is now being restored.

She explains how, by shedding negative emotions, traumas and conditioning, we ‘shine from the Divine essence that lives within.’

Her writing gives us an insight into how this ‘inextinguishable light cannot be taken from us, yet many are choosing to live in fear and judgment, in ‘separation.’’

The Alpha and the Omega takes us on a breath-taking journey, from the moment our cosmos began to the present day, revealing the cause of separation and the beginning of duality.

The second part of the book focuses on the life of Jesus. She explains how He was the first person who was able to let go of his fears completely and ‘live in total alignment with Source. Many valuable memories are revealed from individuals who lived during that time.’

Louisa shows how we can take steps to free ourselves from emotional turmoil, caused by separation from our true self. Her work shows that, by listening above all to our intuition, we can embark on a voyage to the very core of our being. This, we will discover, is the path to enlightenment.

Lousia Crisp runs a healing retreat and farm, a co-creative endeavour with her partner Geoff, in the heart of the Cotswolds.

The Alpha and the Omega: How the balance on earth was lost and is now being restored (Louisa Crisp). Image kindly provided by Clairview Books.

Guidance and renewal

She says that, since its founding in 2007, the universe has brought hundreds of souls to the farm seeking guidance and renewal. Since childhood, her aim has been to help bring peace to the earth.

From a very young age she would sing, seemingly bursting from her soul, ‘Make me a channel of your peace!’  

Louisa is the author of A Memory Returned (2013, under her pen name Anna Delves), which was written after the death of her eldest son. She has also written From Chrysalis to Butterfly (2008, also under Anna Delves), which gives the background to her present work with the retreat.

Louisa loves to walk in the beautiful countryside of the Cotswolds with her dog, always in close communion with Source.

She farms sheep, creating a level of communication that enables a harmonious relationship between animal and human being. Louisa has two other children and several grandchildren.

Released: 21 April 2023. 324 pages (paperback). £16.99. Clairview Books.

For more information, visit: https://www.clairviewbooks.com

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